For almost 8 years, Leslie Tilton has been a constant at the Manatee Center. Maybe some of you can relate to Leslie’s story. She and her husband raised two great kids…one was already off to college and their youngest was in high school at St. Stephens. Being the planner that she is, Leslie starting thinking about what an empty nest might feel like and she called WRC to inquire about volunteering. She started working as a resource advisor at the front desk one day a week, and then one day turned into two… and then three… and before she knew it, we offered her a job.
When Leslie transitioned from volunteering to working, she was my right hand. She set up our first donor database, was the point person for all facility maintenance and has been responsible for all of the donor acknowledgments for the past 8 years. We have grown so much in that time and Leslie has been there every step of the way -whether it was proofing documents, gently nudging me on a variety of issues, or mulching the flowerbeds.
Leslie has a wonderful family and last year, she and her husband Russ, along with their son Brice opened E-bikes and Cycles in Sarasota. Since then she has been working at the Center three days a week and at the bike shop 3 days a week leaving little time for herself. She is leaving the Center as an employee to focus her attention on her family business. Because her family has become our family, we are happy for her and them and know that she will always be part of our WRC team.
Leslie, THANK YOU for all you have done to help build WRC. To your family, thank you for being right there whenever Leslie called you to help us out, we appreciate you! The next time you are driving down US41 toward Sarasota, stop by and see the Tilton’s at E-Bikes and Cycles, it is on the East side of 41 just north of SRQ airport 7941 Pinehurst St. Keep your eye out for our newest edition of My WRC where there is an article on Leslie.
And as Leslie is transitioning out of her staff role at the WRC, we welcome Anne Carter to our team.

Anne Carter
Anne brings a fresh and exciting new perspective to the Women’s Resource Center as our new Communications and Development Manager. Anne was born and raised in Manatee County and has recently moved back home after living and working in California for over 7 years. She brings a unique set of skills to our team after working in multiple tech start-ups and online learning organizations. She is no stranger to a quick-paced, ever-evolving work environment. She enjoys the challenge of utilizing data and feedback to make our process as user-friendly as possible. Technology aside, she believes strongly in the importance of delivering a positive, productive and valuable experience to everyone who interacts with the Women’s Resource Center.
Welcome, Anne! We are looking forward to having you on our team.
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