Job Search Tools
We understand that finding a job, especially in a hurry, can be stressful. The Women’s Resource Center is available to provide assistance. Below is a list of job search websites and local employers that may aid you in your search.
National Job Search Websites:
- Indeed
- Craiglist
- Monster
- Zip Recruiter
- Honest Jobs (a second chance employment service for individuals with criminal backgrounds)
Local Job Search Websites:
Local employers who may be hiring:
- Sarasota Memorial Hospital
- Sarasota County Schools
- Manatee County Schools
- Manatee County Government Jobs
- Sarasota County Government Jobs
Temp and Temp to Permanent:
If you have a specific job fair or recruiting event you’d like to share with us, please email us at
Not sure where to start on your Job Search Journey?
Available in-person or virtually. No cost.
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