We are so pleased to introduce the ALL-NEW MyWRC Magazine.
Engage, Educate, Enrich, and Empower are WRC’s building blocks to successful programming. Each month, more than 400 women reach out to WRC. Like many of us, they have reached a critical turning point in their life. Unsure or unable to determine a direction, they come to us seeking a fresh start. As trained listeners, we are able to direct them to an applicable program/service at one of our centers. Additionally, we work with more than 40 nonprofit and community partners that enhance our ability to meet clients’ needs. At WRC, we encourage women to address their current situation as well as create hope for the next stage of their life. Our programming empowers women to understand their value–to themselves, their family and to society as a whole. We believe it is important to be independent and have self worth. It begins with understanding that choices and decisions we make affect our lives. We give our clients opportunities in career development, education on finances and adopting healthy lifestyles. At WRC, we provide compassionate volunteers, dedicated staff and professional services. All of these work in concert to develop and empower women to live life on their terms. Whatever stage you may be in your life, WRC has a progam that fits your need, your schedule, your income… YOUR LIFE.
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