Dear Women’s Resource Center supporter:

Your financial gift is important to us and we want you to understand #WhyWRC.

Everyday, women come into our centers looking for help. 40% of these women are living below the poverty level, and 19% are considered homeless. Another 36% live below the sustainable wage for our region (ALICE households: Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed).

Meet Karen:

Karen is a 56-year-old homeless woman who came to the Center needing help to find a job. She met with a WRC Employment Coach. It was quickly determined that this woman needed to focus on herself before she could begin looking for work. She attended several sessions with a mental health counselor first, then slowly began equipping herself with the tools needed to find her right job.

After several sessions of coaching and mentoring, she had a new attitude and resume and she found a job! She is no longer homeless and is moving forward toward self-sufficiency in her life.

At Women’s Resource Center, we work with each client to establish career, financial, relationship, and wellness goals: then develop a plan to make that happen. We need your support to be able to continue to offer the services our clients need.

So far this year, donors like you have funded 9,030 hours of programming such as mental health counseling and career coaching but more help is needed. Our goal in 2019 is to be able to offer more hours of services, but we need your help. Would you please consider a donation to help us reach our goal?

Just $150 will fund one WRC client’s participation in a series of support groups to evaluate unhealthy relationships. A contribution of $250 will provide a employment counseling and job coach scholarship to one woman. A gift of $500 will allow one client to participate in a series of individual mental health counseling sessions. A generous donation of $1000 will give one woman a life transforming case management for a whole year. Every dollar you donate today will be matched 100% by two generous donors, up to $40,000.    

With your support women of our community can have a place where they can connect to the resources and services needed to gain a sense of confidence, resilience and empowerment. That is the WHY of the WRC.

Please contact me with your questions, including how you can be more involved.

Call: 941-256-9721


Wishing you and your family a very happy, healthy holiday season,





Ashley Brown, President & CEO

PS – your donation today can change a woman’s life tomorrow.  Please donate now!