For almost 40 years in Sarasota and 30 years in Bradenton, WRC has been a place for women and families to turn to when they are looking for help, guidance or information. We will continue to be that place and we are here to answer questions, direct individuals to community resources and provide our services remotely.
Please see our remote program and service offerings below.
To sign up, please call (941)256-9721 or fill out the form toward the bottom of the page to make an appointment.
Be sure to also check out the local resources page on our website: WRC COVID-19 Local Resources

Affordable Remote Mental Health Counseling
Mental Health is big part of your overall wellness. The outbreak of COVID-19 may be stressful for people and fear and anxiety can become overwhelming. WRC understands, and is here to help.
We are now offering Remote Mental Health Counseling. First session is FREE!
Please call (941)256-9721 or fill out the form toward the bottom of the page to make an appointment.

Finding Calm in the Midst of Chaos – Virtual Workshops
Many people are facing life situations they have never seen before, and feeling pressure to manage conflicting interests, economic insecurity, fear for their own and their loved ones’ health, and worry about the future. Join Mental Health Educator, Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD for Finding Calm in the Midst of Chaos.
Please call (941)256-9721 to register.

Virtual Wellness Series
Join one or all of Mary Onne Bode Wellness Series classes. Topics such as Self-Care for Stress Relief, Breath Meditation, Chi Flow and more!
Please call (941)256-9721 to register.

Coming Home to Peace | A Special Program for Women Veterans –
This is a special, safe space for women to see how to come to peace with things that continue to haunt them, and to find happiness and fulfillment in their present lives. You will find the inner peace that allows for insights about forgiveness of self and others, understanding the role of the past, operating from your own wisdom, and finding confidence and self-esteem moving forward.

Remote Ask a Banker
Start building your financial know-how today! Bank of America (BOA) professionals are available for 1:1 educational sessions on the following topics: credit report, credit score, debt & finance assistance, saving & budgeting, home ownership and more.
Please call (941)256-9721 or fill out the form toward the bottom of the page to make an appointment.

Remote Ask an Attorney Session
Are you interested affordable legal counsel?
The Women’s Resource Center “Ask an Attorney” program, provides individuals a 30-minute legal consultation on family law topics such as divorce, child support, child custody, and much more.
We also offer a bilingual attorney to help assist with immigration matters.
Fee: $10
Please call (941)256-9721 or fill out the form toward the bottom of the page to make an appointment.

Complimentary Resource Advising
Do you need someone to listen without judgement, who has the tools to help guide you to needed support? Now more than ever it is important to be connected to the right resources.
We have experienced Resource Advisors who help you prioritize your needs. They can refer you to the right community agencies, and/or recommend programs offered by the WRC that provide resources and information.
Please call (941)256-9721 or fill out the form toward the bottom of the page to make an appointment.

Complimentary Career Coaching
Are you currently unemployed and looking for work? Or perhaps you are interested in changing careers? Our Career Coaching program offers individual assistance in preparing for a successful job search. Includes resume preparation, interviewing skills, networking techniques, available local job list and more!
Please call (941)256-9721 or fill out the form toward the bottom of the page to make an appointment.

Women’s Money Empowerment by Laura Mattia, PhD, MBA, CFP®
WoMEN is a place where we share solutions that support women on their quest to gain financial power, in their lives as consumers and in their careers as financial professionals.
We are now offering two new financial programs:
- Your Money Empowerment Helpline
- Women’s Money Empowerment Finance Friday Webinar Series

Rediscover Joy | Virtual Meetings
Sometimes we get lost in the details of life, and we assume our circumstances determine whether we can have happiness and peace of mind. But what if our state of mind determines what we make of our circumstances?
Meetings will be held virtually via the Zoom platform starting May 28th.

You Are Worthy | Virtual Meetings
Chris Florand and Denise Whalin teach you to develop the skills for improved self-confidence, assertiveness, boundary setting and negotiation skills for handling life’s challenges.
Meetings will be held virtually via the Zoom platform starting June 11th through July 30th.

Career Connections Free Webinar
The Career Connections programs connect women to quality job openings and funded educational opportunities in the community.
Local employers are partnering with WRC to not only recruit for their open positions, but also to help participants learn about the career paths available within their organizations and industries.

Latinas of the WRC | Virtual Meetings
A weekly forum for Latina women to discover skills, build self-confidence and find their own paths to success.
We reunite every Monday at 7:00 pm via Zoom.

Family & Friends of Addition Support Group | Virtual Meetings
Please join us for family and friends of addiction support group on Monday night from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.