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7 12, 2018

Deja Blues Recap


And that’s a wrap! Friday, November 30th, our 7th annual Deja Blues event was held in The Backyard behind O’Bricks Irish Pub & Martini Bar on Old Main Street in downtown Bradenton. The weather was great, the food from O’Bricks was fantastic and the live entertainment featuring award-winning Canadian blues artist, Shakura S’Aida, was

Deja Blues Recap2018-12-11T19:42:47+00:00
28 11, 2018

The Déjà Blues Online Auction is Live!


While we’re eagerly counting down the days until our party of the year, Déja Blues, on Friday, November 30 – we’re just as excited for the what’s going on NOW…. the online live auction! This auction has been carefully planned by our Déja Blues event committee to include top-notch prizes no matter what

The Déjà Blues Online Auction is Live!2022-01-10T14:51:59+00:00
19 11, 2018

The Leading Faces Behind WRC’s Fall Events


If you have visited any of the three WRC Centers, glanced through an issue of MyWRC Magazine, or followed us on social media, you might have noticed that we host many special events throughout the year! It is not because we like to throw parties, special events account for 18% of our operating

The Leading Faces Behind WRC’s Fall Events2018-11-19T17:58:20+00:00
19 11, 2018

Honored at Fall Legacy Luncheon


Fall is a beautiful time of year – it starts our “season” of events. The first of which, the Fall Legacy Luncheon, was a sweet reminder of how impactful our programs and community can be. It was a splendid afternoon, as we honored three trailblazing women in our community, Betsy Steiner Fraser, Deborah

Honored at Fall Legacy Luncheon2018-11-19T17:27:13+00:00
31 10, 2018

Meet the Fall Legacy Wonder Women!


We’re excited to celebrate these honorary wonder women at our Fall Legacy Luncheon on November 2, 2018. Keep reading to learn more about these exceptional ladies… Betsy Steiner Fraser Betsy Steiner Fraser is a business consultant, facilitator, and trainer with over twenty-five years of experience.  She works with nonprofits, corporations, and small businesses

Meet the Fall Legacy Wonder Women!2018-10-31T21:23:13+00:00
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