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2 03, 2020

The Women’s Resource Center Announces 2020 Spring Legacy Wonder Women


The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) is dedicated to our mission, to educate, engage, enrich and empower women of all generations. One way we empower women is through our Wonder Woman recognition, where we honor female leaders within our local community who have made outstanding contributions in volunteer and/or professional activities in the areas of

The Women’s Resource Center Announces 2020 Spring Legacy Wonder Women2020-03-02T20:11:49+00:00
28 02, 2019

She Needed A Hero…So That’s What She Became.


When you think of “Wonder Woman” what comes to mind? We at The Women’s Resource Center think of strong, intelligent, leader, trailblazer, influential women… and so, so much more. The four women who were chosen as our Spring 2019 Wonder Women are nothing short of these terms. We held our Spring Legacy Luncheon on

She Needed A Hero…So That’s What She Became.2019-04-22T22:19:53+00:00
7 02, 2019

2019 Spring Legacy Luncheon


The Women’s Resource Center is dedicated to engage, enrich and empower women of all generations. One way we empower women is through our Wonder Woman recognition, where we honor female leaders within our local community who have made outstanding contributions in volunteer and/or professional activities in the areas of Business, Community, Leadership, Education, Healthcare,

2019 Spring Legacy Luncheon2019-02-07T16:46:46+00:00
19 11, 2018

Honored at Fall Legacy Luncheon


Fall is a beautiful time of year – it starts our “season” of events. The first of which, the Fall Legacy Luncheon, was a sweet reminder of how impactful our programs and community can be. It was a splendid afternoon, as we honored three trailblazing women in our community, Betsy Steiner Fraser, Deborah

Honored at Fall Legacy Luncheon2018-11-19T17:27:13+00:00
31 10, 2018

Meet the Fall Legacy Wonder Women!


We’re excited to celebrate these honorary wonder women at our Fall Legacy Luncheon on November 2, 2018. Keep reading to learn more about these exceptional ladies… Betsy Steiner Fraser Betsy Steiner Fraser is a business consultant, facilitator, and trainer with over twenty-five years of experience.  She works with nonprofits, corporations, and small businesses

Meet the Fall Legacy Wonder Women!2018-10-31T21:23:13+00:00
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