A letter from CEO & President of the Women’s Resource Center, Ashley Brown
“The past year and a half have been some of the most challenging times we’ve seen at the Women’s Resource Center. Our community and the women and families we serve have been profoundly impacted by the pandemic.
In response, the WRC evolved, created new systems and channels to serve our clients to meet the increased need for mental health services, employment coaching, connection to resources, financial assistance, and more.
The Wonder Women Collective is another example of how we have transitioned from traditional special events to an experiential special event that includes more participation from the women we serve.
The Wonder Women Collective is a platform created by the Women’s Resource Center for women in our community to connect, share and empower each other. We launched the platform virtually in 2020 when we could not hold special events in person. It was our goal to create an inclusive space for women to connect and we feel great about the results of the first year, but it was just the beginning!
Over 600 individuals engaged with the programming of the Collective in the first year and 32% of those participants are clients of the WRC. In addition to those who participated in real time with the virtual events, the videos from Wonder Women Collective have received over 1,000 views on WRC’s YouTube Channel.
In the second year of the Collective, the Women’s Resource Center is excited to partner with Game On Nation to expand programming and content. To kick off the Collective, we will have an in-person event on December 2, 2021, at the Hyatt Regency. There will be 3 more events throughout 2022 and these events will be a mix of virtual and in person. We are also launching a monthly podcast to support the Collective in December 2021.
Your investment this fall will support women and families in our community throughout 2022 and your support will be recognized throughout the year.
Thank you for your consideration and I am happy to answer any questions.”