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24 09, 2019

Handbags & Happy Hour


We’re officially counting down the days until our annual Handbags & Happy Hour event! Once again, we’re collaborating with HOPE Family Services to bring awareness of the life-changing services offered to women in Manatee and Sarasota Counties. Last year was our very first Handbags & Happy Hour event, and we loved it so much,

Handbags & Happy Hour2019-09-24T21:12:23+00:00
9 07, 2019

Thank you, Michaels on East!


Need something to make your Mondays feel less Monday-ish? Join us at Michaels on East every Monday during July and August for $7 specials in the lounge! Michaels on East will be donating 10% of their beverage sales in the Lounge to the Women’s Resource Center! How fantastic is that?! Along with their “All-Night

Thank you, Michaels on East!2019-07-09T16:18:38+00:00
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