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21 07, 2020

We Couldn’t Do It Without YOU!


We are thrilled to announce that WRC received a grant from the Charles and Margery Barancik Foundation to support unemployed women in our community through program enhancements and the addition of a bilingual Case Manager.  This partnership will allow us to expand our capability in serving our Latina community more effectively. We are entering the second year of our partnership with the Louis and Gloria Flanzer Philanthropic Trust. This three-year grant

We Couldn’t Do It Without YOU!2020-07-21T18:39:20+00:00
19 06, 2020

Celebrating Freedom | The Meaning of Juneteenth


The following are excerpts from an article by Eleanor Park in the Wall Street Journal on June 18, 2020. Juneteenth is an annual holiday observing the end of slavery in the U.S. and marks the day (June 19, 1865) when news of emancipation reached people in the deepest parts of the former Confederacy in Galveston, Texas.

Celebrating Freedom | The Meaning of Juneteenth2023-09-14T21:26:17+00:00
16 04, 2020

3 Techniques to Reduce Anxiety by Karen R. Koenig, LCSW, M.Ed.


Article Contributed by Karen R. Koenig, MEd, LCSW During this COVID-10 pandemic, everyone’s stress has increased. Just how much depends not only on circumstance but on coping skills. There are better and worse ways to handle stress, including skills you can learn and practice which will help you reduce psychic and physical tension,

3 Techniques to Reduce Anxiety by Karen R. Koenig, LCSW, M.Ed.2020-04-16T17:13:39+00:00
15 04, 2020

Three Strategies to Manage Eating During Stay-at-Home


Article Contributed by Karen R. Koenig, MEd, LCSW Feeling stuck home right now with too much or too little to do and lots of food around can spell trouble. To avoid turning to food when you have the blues or the blahs, practice these three strategies. Decide who’s in charge (hint: it’s not

Three Strategies to Manage Eating During Stay-at-Home2020-04-15T18:17:47+00:00
20 03, 2020

A Message From CEO Ashley Brown Regarding COVID-19


Dear WRC Community, This is truly an unprecedented time and we know that individuals in our community will need our help more than ever. In order to keep our staff, volunteers and clients healthy and safe, we have set up the framework to offer remote programming for our clients. These programs include: Resource Advising Mental Health Counseling

A Message From CEO Ashley Brown Regarding COVID-192020-03-20T20:41:37+00:00
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