Self-Understanding Using Astrology
What does your astrological sign mean to you?
Please join us virtually!
With a clearer awareness of your innate gifts and challenges, you can more easily navigate life’s challenges by making choices in harmony with who you are. This 2-hour class will explain how astrology works and how it can help reveal your best self. You will receive a brief interpretation of your birth chart if you provide the
date, place, and time of your birth at registration.
Dianne Eppler Adams, CAP, a certified astrological consultant, has been providing empowering insight for more than 25 years.
Choose the session that works best for you.
All session are held on Zoom from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Astrological readings are for your insight and understanding purposes only. Any insights, analyses, predictions, or guidance are not substitutes for advice or treatment that you would typically receive from a licensed professional such as a therapist, lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, or other counseling. If you require such advice, please consult a licensed professional.
Currently No Upcoming Dates Available.
Held Virtually on Zoom
Cost: $10
Please call (941)256-9721 to register.